INCC Yarra Paddlers' Junior Squad
The Junior Squad is for young people attending secondary school. The program operates during school terms, with options to attend once, twice or three times a week. All equipment is provided and sessions are conducted by qualified coaches, all with Working with Children checks. Wear shorts or leggings, reef shoes or similar, a top suitable for the weather (thermals in winter, t-shirt in summer) and cap.  Bring a change of clothes, a towel and a water bottle.

Junior participant

Please complete this form for each child attending
If you answered 'some' or 'lots' please provide details
Please provide ALL relevant details of any allergies, medical conditions or other special needs and how they are managed.

Responsible parent or guardian

By completing this information you are authorising your child's participation in accordance with instructions given by INCC Yarra Paddlers session leaders.
If you chose 'other' please tell us more